Elaine Brown Harris


                Then                                                      Now   

Home:    7805 River Fork Drive
             Nashville, TN  37221

E-Mail:   connersnanny@comcast.net


I graduated from Abilene Christian University in 1967. 

That same year I married Bob Harris. 

In 1968 we returned to his hometown on Long Island and lived there five years while Bob worked for IBM.  Kathy was born in 1969 and Steve in 1972.  We transferred to Nashville in 1973. 

While our children were young, I stayed home raising them. 

In my late 40's I got my real estate license and went to work as an on-site REALTOR for Beazer Homes in Nashville.  (If interested, you can go to www.beazer.com ; put in Tennessee; put in Nashville; put in high prices of $350,000; click on #7 in Franklin on the map; and you can see the homes I enjoyed selling for nine years.)

In 2003 I retired so that I could enjoy our family.  Steve and Amy live in Knoxville with our four grandchildren.  The twins (William and Andrew) are two in April of 2005; Morgan was three in January of 2005; and Conner will be seven in April of 2005.  Our daughter, Kathy, got her Masters degree at Boston University in Speech Pathology...early childhood development...and has continued to live in that area for the last seven years. 


Bob plans on retiring this year so we can travel and be with family more.

Last updated:    March 2005